Tremolo Component

The Tremolo Component allows you to modulate the gain of a mono input to get a mono or stereo output, or a stereo input to a stereo output. You can control the speed and amount of modulation along with the other parameters listed below.





Master Bypass

Bypasses all of the Tremolo's controls.

Unmuted / Muted

Stereo Spread


Available when the I/O Configuration Property is set to Stereo In/Stereo Out.

Determines the separation spread between the channels. 0% is equal amount of each channel mixed to the other, 100% is complete separation of the channels.

Default = 100

0 - 100

High-Pass Frequency


Frequencies below this frequency are attenuated. All frequencies above this frequency are amplified based on the setting of the Wet Gain control.

Default = 75

Range = 10 - 20,000

Low-Pass Frequency


Frequencies above this frequency are attenuated. All frequencies below this frequency are amplified based on the setting of the Wet Gain control.

Default = 5,000

Range = 10 - 20,000

LFO Frequency


The frequency at which the LFO produces the waveform, or LFO Shape. The LFO Frequency controls the speed, at which the gain of each channel is modulated.

Default = 3.20

Range = 0.01 - 120

LFO Shape

You can select one of 4 different waveforms.

Default = 1

Range = Sine, Saw Up, Saw Down, Triangle

LFO Stereo Spread


The LFO produces two synchronized waveforms, one for each output channel. The LFO Spread determines the phase shift between these two waveforms. 0% is in phase, 100% is 180° out of phase.

When the waveforms are in phase, left audio gain is up and the right audio gain is up. When the waveforms are out of phase, the left audio gain is up, and the right audio gain is down.

Default = 100

Range = 0 - 100



The amount or Depth of the gain modulation. When the Depth control is at 0%, the gain of both channels is not modulated. When the control is at 100%, the gain of both channels is modulated from no output to the Output Gain level.

Default = 100

Range = 0 - 100

Wet Solo

When engaged, allows you to listen to the wet signal by itself.

Normal / Solo

Wet Gain


Controls the gain of the wet output.

Default = 0

Range = -100 - 20

Dry/Wet Mix


The percentage of wet to dry signal sent to the output. 0% is all dry signal, and no wet. 100% is all wet, and no dry.

Default = 50.0

Range = 0 - 100





I/O configuration

Sets the configuration of inputs and outputs for the Echo component.

Mono In / Mono Out

Mono In / Stereo Out

Stereo In / Stereo Out

Max Delay


Sets the maximum delay allowed for the Delay knob in the component's control panel.

0.001 to 60.0

Control Pins

The available Control Pins depend on settings in Properties.

Pin Name




Pins Available


0.000 - 1.00

.083ms - 1.00s

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Dry/Wet Mix

0.00 - 100

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

High-Pass Frequency

10.0 - 20,000

10Hz - 20kHz

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

LFO Frequency

0.00 - 120

.010Hz - 120Hz

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

LFO Stereo Spread

0.00 - 100

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

LFO Waveform

1 - 14

1 - 14

0, .077, .154, .231, .308, .385, .462, .538, .615, .692, .769, .846, .923, 1.00

Input / Output

Low-Pass Frequency

10.0 - 20,000

10Hz - 20kHz

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Master Bypass







Input / Output

Modulation Depth

0.000 - 100

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Output Gain

-100 to 20

-100 dB to 20 dB

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

Stereo Spread

0.00 - 100

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Wet Solo





Input / Output


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